
Your Soul’s Unfinished Business


Healing your Past Lives: The Soul’s Unfinished Business By: Yamini Bhatt Most of us would like to live forever with full vigor, without wrinkles, gray hair, or disease. Most of us seldom think about death and what happens afterwards. Some say that death is the end of everything. Some believe in heaven and hell. Still [...]

Your Soul’s Unfinished Business2019-09-24T11:11:26-05:00

How to Broadcast Love


Consciously or unconsciously, you choose your own personal broadcast by the thoughts you think and the words you speak. "Life gives back only what we put into it. Until we understand that life is neutral and simply fulfills what we think and feel about it, we will continue to misuse the energies of life and [...]

How to Broadcast Love2019-09-24T11:11:26-05:00

Handling Stress Spiritually


Most of us want to be kind, relaxed and loving people. We want to be wise and patient parents, understanding spouses, and good friends. But how can we be any of those when every nerve becomes so raw we feel we're about to "lose it?" How Caretakers Can Take Care of Themselves Caretakers are expected [...]

Handling Stress Spiritually2019-09-24T11:11:26-05:00

Choosing the Path of Joy


Because our energy acts like a magnet, knowingly or unknowingly we constantly attract events, people, situations and circumstances in our life to match that vibration. So raising our vibrations to activate greater balance, clarity and self mastery is the key. Our Heart center (fourth chakra in the chakra system) is the center of "God/Higher consciousness". Love, joy, gratitude, appreciation, kindness, compassion and selfless acts of giving come from the balanced heart center.

Choosing the Path of Joy2019-09-24T11:11:26-05:00

Do you have a Daily Spiritual Practice?


Do you have a Daily Spiritual Practice? "The highest spiritual practice is that your presence should remind people of God. What bigger and more powerful miracle than that can there be, that by your very presence you can invoke godhood in people? " - Yogi Bhajan Over the years I have been involved in many [...]

Do you have a Daily Spiritual Practice?2019-09-24T11:11:27-05:00

Power of the Subconscious Programming


Power of the Subconscious Programming “Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals and values are in balance.“– Brian Tracy Do you ever wonder why you don’t get the results in [...]

Power of the Subconscious Programming2019-09-24T11:11:27-05:00

Letting it Flow


Letting it Flow Did you know that if we had absolute faith we would only have to pray or say an affirmation once to make it happen? Our minds tend to doubt that we deserve what we desire to create. We usually think that it’s not spiritual for us to have whatever we desire for [...]

Letting it Flow2019-09-24T11:11:27-05:00

Feeling Energetic – Relax!


Feeling Energetic - Relax! For many of us our day to day activities keep us very focused on what is outside of us. We have fast paced lives and many responsibilities to our jobs, the kids, the pets our friends and social responsibilities. We do it without thinking, it's just a part of our life. [...]

Feeling Energetic – Relax!2019-09-24T11:11:27-05:00

Healthy Boundaries


Healthy Boundaries Do you ever feel that no matter what you do and how much you do is not enough? You try very hard all the time, pushing yourselves, rushing around, trying to get things done on time but it just isn’t enough. Working hard to get things done is not necessarily the road to [...]

Healthy Boundaries2019-09-24T11:11:27-05:00

To make a commitment is to take a stand in life.


Since we cannot truly love another unless we love ourselves, why not celebrate your love for yourself today? Do something for yourself that signifies your commitment to yourself.  Commit to love, respect, and trust yourself unconditionally and without reservations. This week plant the seeds of new possibilities, start new projects, complete them and celebrate the [...]

To make a commitment is to take a stand in life.2019-09-24T11:11:27-05:00
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