Kundalini Yoga & Meditation

Opening the Heart and Intuition

Your personal journey of self-discovery and intuitive development


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Everyone comes into this life with a purpose to fulfill, a divine mission to accomplish. When you open your heart and listen to your intuition, you act according to your destiny.  Free from fear and uncertainty, all your words and actions serve you. You fulfill your life’s purpose with courage and clarity.

Most of us are following the voice of our ego – voice of our personality or lower self. Our core values are contained within our soul. If you don’t listen to your soul, you’re ignoring yourself. If you don’t follow your soul, you are betraying yourself. When you betray yourself, you won’t like yourself. Only when you open your heart to yourself and learn to listen to the voice of your soul, you begin your spiritual journey of self-discovery.

True fulfillment comes when we act according to the voice of our soul.

Kundalini is the spiritual energy of awareness, which is activated and channeled through yoga and meditation. Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic form of yoga that works with the body, breath, movement and sound or “mantra.” Sounds or mantras help focus the mind during meditation and exercises. Kundalini Yoga is taught in specific sequences of exercises called kriyas that align the chakras, energize the body, and create optimum health and a heightened level of awareness.

Consciousness is contagious. Practice of Kundalini Yoga and meditation is about self-purification, breaking free from mental and emotional patterns and raising your consciousness to live a conscious, committed and fulfilled life. Combining breathing, movement, stretching, and sound, Kundalini Yoga is a safe, comprehensive technology that can be practiced by everyone.

Go home to your heart. Sit deep in your heart and listen. Your heart is your home. Your heart is where you must live.
Only in your heart can you know love. Only in your heart can you find peace.

~ Alan Seale

Practicing Kundalini Yoga and meditation has many benefits. It can:

  • Accelerate your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being
  • Balance the glandular system, strengthen the 72,000 nerves in the body and expand the lung capacity
  • Develop intuitive mind – the sixth sense and open your heart to receive guidance
  • Remove inner blocks, inner resistance and fears that hinder your full expression in life
  • Awaken you to your innate wisdom and improve the way you think, communicate and perceive life
  • Bring strength, wholeness and regeneration at all levels of your being
  • Increase life force energy (Prana) and vitality in your body
  • Move you to take action using your talents and abilities to enrich everyday of your life
  • Raise your awareness of who you truly are- your inherent truth and the voice of your soul
  • Establish clear and powerful relationship with yourself, others and your higher self
  • Strengthen the electromagnetic field around you, i.e. your aura which creates a vibrant physical body
  • Balance the body, mind and soul you can experience optimal health and healing at all levels of your being

Free Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Classes

Each class is designed to awaken you at the depth of your being so you can experience the love – a potent energy force that you are.

Kundalini Yoga Kriyas include physical movements for vitality and health. They open, expand and align physical, emotional and mental bodies.

Breath is life. If there is anything Divine in you, it’s your breath. Yogic breathing exercises are called pranayama – conscious breathing. It is the most dynamic self-healing tool used in practice of Kundalini Yoga exercises and meditations.

Sacred Sound called mantra is a sound current which tunes and controls mental vibration. It is a combination of syllables, which help focus the mind. The systematic use of sound current to affect consciousness is a very essential aspect of the practice of Kundalini Yoga.

Are you inspired and ready to have a direct experience of this powerful yogic technology for higher living?

Begin your path of self-discovery and intuitive living today.

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