Individual Sessions

Soul Clearing is a spiritual process of powerful, in-depth modification of the energetic roots of different aspects of our lives: the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. It is a powerful method of spiritual healing that uses Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) to meticulously research the subconscious and soul records to discover and release negative programs and patterns that have manifested in our lives.

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What you see manifested around you as people, events, situations, and circumstances in your life are actually a reflection of your own consciousness. The Personal Transformation program focuses on shifting inner programming by first bringing about transformation at a cellular level, and then creating sustainable change in the outer reality.

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Group Programs

This monthly subscription lets you reap the benefits of the reconnective broadcast without having to participate in monthly group calls or meditations. Based on popular demand, this program was designed so you can receive transformational frequencies from Envision reconnective broadcasts without having to participate in monthly group calls or practices. Our theme for this program is Prosperous YOU!

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Beyond SRT will assist you in becoming more comfortable, clear and confident SRT practitioner. SRT is invaluable for strengthening self-love, receiving clear daily guidance, increasing abundance and prosperity in your life and creating supportive environment. It is a marvelous spiritual tool to clear negative emotions, scarcity thinking, physical challenges, relationship challenges and the negative energy you accumulate in your day-to-day activities and interactions.

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