Consciously or unconsciously, you choose your own personal broadcast by the thoughts you think and the words you speak.

“Life gives back only what we put into it. Until we understand that life is neutral and simply fulfills what we think and feel about it, we will continue to misuse the energies of life and create more problems for ourselves. —Robert Detzler, Spiritual Healing

We think approximately 60,000 thoughts per day, and 80-90 percent of those are recurring thoughts we think again and again, everyday. Given this, take a moment to think about one recurring thought you think every day:

Do you frequently make yourself wrong?
Are you often rushing to meet self-imposed deadlines?
Are you critical of yourself and others?
Do you focus on what’s missing and wrong with the situation?

We must never forget that what we hold in our consciousness as the truth about ourselves will be mirrored back in the world around us. At any given time we are either co-creating with the Spirit of Love or mis-creating with the energy of fear. To be a co-creator with the Spirit of Love, we must think, feel, speak and act with love.

Broadcasting as a Co-Creator of Love

You are always expressing your very  e s s e n c e through your choices of thought, emotions, and physical actions. The universal law “like attracts like” is absolute. So if we want to bring in greater abundance (of love, money, health, creativity, peace, time, joy, etc.) we must learn to appreciate whatever amount of these we feel we already have. When we can feel the gratitude for what we have, we will get more of the having feeling. Whatever we’re feeling is what we’re vibrating and whatever we’re vibrating is what we are attracting.

Three Ways to Immediately Raise Your Vibration

1. Straighten Up: When interacting with others, by leaning forward you may be giving away your energy, or energetically pushing into another’s space. By leaning way back, you are avoiding their energy. When you are sitting or standing straight, shoulders square, you are at the peak of power, for that is the position of balance and centeredness, which helps you to control and manage your own energy, and leave.

2. Get Into Your Heart: Calm your breathing, take few deep breaths, and go inward until you find that place of peace. Let go of the negative thinker and the skeptic inside of you. Focus on your heart center— the center of love and peace. Say the following statements to yourself a few times: I am love, I am loved, I am loving. I feel the love vibration in my heart. I feel it expanding throughout my body. All there is, is love…love…love.

3. Free Yourself with Daily Forgiveness: Throughout the day, speak a few words of forgiveness for all the moments you are not exuding love. Next, forgive others for all the moments they do not exude love. As you forgive, you set yourself free to be who you need to be, and you make it easier for others to be who they need to be.

By these simple practices you can learn to broadcast love, stay in high vibration, and become an example of healing for others.