Do you have a Daily Spiritual Practice?
“The highest spiritual practice is that your presence should remind people of God. What bigger and more powerful miracle than that can there be, that by your very presence you can invoke godhood in people? “Yogi Bhajan

Over the years I have been involved in many different personal and spiritual trainings and in each one it was recommended that we have a daily spiritual practice even if it is just for few minutes. It has been such a great part of my routine that I don’t have any second thoughts about it. Much of my client work involves helping them feel spiritually strong and empowered. I often times design a simple daily practice for them and results are amazing for them.

Do you have a daily Spiritual Practice?

If you have many beliefs and no personal spiritual practice, how are you changing? Yogi Bhajan, a master of Kundalini Yoga used to say “Get up, set up and keep up.” If you don’t set up for the day then how are you going to keep up? What attitude and energy are you bringing to your day? Do you feel ready to engage in your day with clarity, focus and positivity? Much of our lifestyle induces a split from our inner life. Plus many people lack commitment to their spirit or lack capacity to commit altogether. Thus majority become reactive to life rather than being in the flow of life.

How do you begin and end your day?

What is the first thing you think or say when you wake up? Is it positive or negative? Each morning when we wake up we have a choice as to how we set up for the day. Do you say ” Oh god, another day”? Realize with that being put out, you may just create a day where one thing after another goes wrong. Instead what if before even opening your eyes you take a moment to breathe deeply and be thankful for the good night’s sleep, affirming for the things to go well in your day and program yourself that you will enjoy your day. How will that feel in your body?

Gratitude is the most powerful attracting force in the universe. Whatever you are grateful for you will attract more of in your life. Whenever you give thanks and show gratitude you increase the light in your aura (energy field that surrounds your body).As you give thanks you open your heart and your heart is the doorway to your soul. Gratitude is a path straight to your heart and to your soul.

Being grateful daily, staying in gratitude is a very powerful yet very simple spiritual practice. Try it and experience the results yourself.