Since we cannot truly love another unless we love ourselves, why not celebrate your love for yourself today? Do something for yourself that signifies your commitment to yourself.  Commit to love, respect, and trust yourself unconditionally and without reservations.

This week plant the seeds of new possibilities, start new projects, complete them and celebrate the joy of completion. Allow the masculine energy of expression to emerge. Try not to focus too much on the future goals, doing so you can miss the rich opportunities before your eyes. Try to cultivate patience by slowing down consciously, taking a deep breath, and bring yourself back to the present moment.

As we know our days can become cluttered with demands and activities put there by others. To set aside some time for ourselves each week requires discipline and commitment. The lesson and challenge here is to block out time and space we need for growth and guarding it against all distractions. We can fill our calendars so full we barely have time to breathe much or less live life creatively and authentically.

Is there a creative path you would like to pursue like writing, music, or painting? Would you like to have a meditative practice, an exercise routine or some other path of personal growth? Do you have a personal practice that cultivates your spirit and strengthens your character? What is your personal practice?

  • Schedule at least two hours this week to that activity.
  • Block out your time on your calendar. Next week try 3 hours and gradually work up to six or seven hours a week.
  • At the end of the month, take note of how this practice makes you feel.

Make a commitment to change your life as there is power in commitment. The minute you make that commitment all the forces in the universe magically begin to support you in fulfilling your commitment.