Feeling Energetic – Relax!

For many of us our day to day activities keep us very focused on what is outside of us. We have fast paced lives and many responsibilities to our jobs, the kids, the pets our friends and social responsibilities. We do it without thinking, it’s just a part of our life. Even going on vacation or having fun can require preparation and our attention. These constant day to day activities take time away from being able to connect with our inner guidance and the still small voice from within.

What if we could just relax? Not when we are out of the office or at the end of the day but during the day, at our place of work. What if we could feel physically energetic, mentally clear and emotionally balanced no matter what is happening around us? This takes some level of practice. It will take some regular time, just a few minutes each day to relax our body and our mind to assist and move us into a deeper awareness.


Meditation is one way to relax and quiet your body and mind. The deep quietness you find within becomes the fuel for manifesting any desire or intention in your physical reality. Hundreds of scientific studies have been done on benefits of Meditation. Studies have shown that meditation confers not just strong psychological benefits but also profoundly important physiological benefits.

Being Aware of Your Breathing:

We all breathe, but do we experience breathing? On each breath comes prana (life force energy). By making the breath slow, deep and conscious we make the best use of this pranic energy. The result is that tension is released, calmness returns to the mind and new awareness and insights are revealed. Most people breathe 16-22 times per minute taking shallow breathes. See if you can remember to take slow deep breaths taking in 8-10 breaths per minute and experience the powerful effects of this simple exercise in your body, mind and spirit.

Quotes to remember:

  • Your rate of breathing and your state of mind are inseparable.
  • The slower your rate of breathing, the more control you have over your mind.
  • The MIND follows the BREATH and BODY follows the MIND.
  • Anger is a condition of frustration born out of the ego feeling powerless.
  • You are what you eat.
  • Your body is a living temple of God.
  • It takes 40 days to establish a habit, 90 days to confirm it, and 120 days for others to notice it.
  • To be sane, two things you need to do every day. SWEAT and LAUGH.
  • It is not the life that matters but it is the courage you bring to it.
  • Never let out that which can harm anyone.
  • Never let in what can harm you.
  • The essential nature of the soul is pure joy. If you are not experiencing joy, then you are not experiencing your soul.