What you see manifested around you as people, events, situations, and circumstances in your life are actually a reflection of your own consciousness.

The true source of your opportunities, abundance, joy, and the ability to attract all that you need comes from your magnetic consciousness – the energy, or the vibration that is YOU.

Even after reading many self-help books, taking classes and trainings, you may have seen progress but YOU KNOW MORE IS POSSIBLE!

You know that you can experience more personal and spiritual growth, more confidence, more balance, more creativity, and more success in your life.

You know IT’S TIME TO TAKE THE NEXT STEP.  You need someone who can guide you through the process and assist you in creating this personal transformation and success using innovative techniques.

Personal Transformation Program

The Personal Transformation program focuses on shifting inner programming by first bringing about transformation at a cellular level, and then creating sustainable change in the outer reality.

This program is designed to assist participants in three ways:

Gaining crystal clear clarity about desired goals

Become clear about personality goals vs. Soul-aligned goals.  Energy flows to the areas where we focus our intention.  We work together on getting clear about your goals – are you really ready to make a change in your life?

Spiritual Alignment

The way you relate to every person, object, and thing is a reflection of the way you relate to yourself.  We work to clear emotional patterns and inner rules that keep you limited, examine negative recurring relationships, and heal significant relationships.  This healing brings your parental relationships and your relationship to the creator into alignment with the experience of true prosperity in your mind, body, and soul.  This increases your trust at all levels and supports you with the power to create change.

Creating a sacred container so you can have an experience of being safe and supported by the Universe

Taking an honest look at your life, having faith that the universe is abundant, getting motivated, and stepping boldly and joyfully into your future. The powerful processes I use support you in making these shifts permanently, on a cellular level, for the highest good of all concerned.

When these three elements come together in harmony and truth, you feel empowered and just take action. In fact, it’s hard to hold you back.  Once my clients know what to do, are clear where they are going, and feel spiritually aligned, they feel strong sense of clarity, self confidence, spiritual strength, and inner wisdom.

The Energy that is you becomes magnetic, attracting desired outcomes through ease, grace and joy.

Clients who are successful in this program tend to have following things in common:

  • Readiness to let go of and release past experiences and conflicts.
  • Openness to new ideas, concepts, techniques, and exercises.
  • The willingness to go beyond the level of physical survival, and a readiness to make the changes that are necessary to do so.
  • An inner knowing that you are here to do more – that you have a unique path and purpose.
  • The realization that taking a quantum leap requires transformation and that transformation is ultimately a spiritual process.
  • A spiritual commitment to their own lives.

This program is for you:

  • If you are ready to create powerful momentum in order to have the future you desire.
  • If you know that there is so much more possible for you in every area of your life.
  • If you are ready to make profound changes in your inner world and then create powerful changes that are visible in your outer expression.
  • If you are dedicated and ready to accelerate your personal and spiritual growth.

What specific areas can I focus on in the Personal Transformation Program?

Becoming Abundant 

You are the source of your abundance.  Through working with your feelings, thoughts and intentions, you can become a powerful force in attracting abundance in your life.  This program will help you release and let go of any fears that may be holding you back from having abundance in your life.

Attracting Success

Webster’s Dictionary states that success is “a favorable or satisfactory outcome.”  Failure does not exist in this universe; it is only a false belief that resides in one’s consciousness.  Once it is dissolved, it puts us back into the natural order of things.  This program will help you release any fear of success or failure so you can go beyond your previous limits, be more focused and confident, and feel successful.

Change your Body Change your Health

Your body remembers!  Your core beliefs directly affect your immune system.  Each memory is created and maintained by your emotions.  Memories create your physical body.  Cellular memory holds pattern for disease and wellness.  Until we heal our emotional wounds from the past and release the unresolved energies, we cannot create health and well-being.

Letting Money Flow

You Are Your Own Money!  Money represents an exchange of energy between you and the outside world.  How do you express your energy; your very essence?  You express your energy through thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.  Spiritual processes like meditation, visualization, and forgiveness work combined with other practices used in this program can support you in clearing blocks to money where energy isn’t flowing, such as your physical body, your emotions, or your relationships with other people.

Saying Yes to Life!

Your energy is your vitality, creativity, and life force.  It is the part of you that says “Yes!” to life.  When you can say yes to life in one area, it creates an opening for new energy, new ideas, new inspirations, and synchronicity in other areas.  This program will assist you in expanding your consciousness, accelerating your spiritual growth, and aligning you with soul and higher self.

Creating Harmonious Relationships

You can transform negative energy, release power struggles, and stay true to yourself in your relationships.  Love is the highest force in the universe.  It can transform and transmute any lower vibrations.  With love, truly nothing is impossible.  Soul relationships are built on the vibration of love.  This program will assist you in feeling more loved, nurtured, and appreciated by clearing the beliefs and inner programming that keep you from being loved.

Introduction to this special program with Yamini:

We each come into this life with a special purpose and gifts that support this purpose.  A lot of spiritual healing modalities deal with layers of information but never address the core.  For you to get the results you want, it takes more than just one individual session.  After working with hundreds of clients, I want to save you the trouble of having to piece it all together by yourself.

This special program offers a series of 5 powerful transformational sessions that are personalized and designed to help you to align with your core in just the way that is needed to draw to you the things, people, opportunities, and events that are in the greatest harmony with your desires.

Five Individual Sessions

I have observed that after 6-8 weeks of focused attention and conscious work, there is a tremendous and permanent shift from problem-solving to personal transformation and lasting change.

As Gary Zukav writes “When you choose consciously to move toward the energy of your soul you invite that guidance. When you ask the Universe to bless you in your effort to align yourself with your soul, you open a passageway between yourself and your Guides and Teachers. You assist their efforts to assist you. You invoke the power of the non-physical world. That is what a blessing is: the opening of a passageway between you and non-physical guidance.”

For this reason – and more – we will have series of 5 sessions total, every 2 weeks to create a constant, positive focus of your energy.  Each session supports you in acknowledging, accepting, and appreciating the reality that you are already more POWERFUL beyond your current awareness.  After completing this program, we will re-evaluate your progress.  Many clients choose to continue, while some feel that the process is complete.

All sessions are conducted over phone with full confidentiality.  Each session is designed to honor individual growth and transformation.  Full attention and guidance are provided through out this process.  There is always a combination of spiritual alignment, finding clarity of direction, and integrating know-how and expertise.

Every session concludes with a clear assignment and action steps to bring the change you are seeking so that you know your next steps immediately!

“I did the Personal Transformation Special Program with Yamini and I have to say that it is amazing. It has been so beneficial to me in so many ways. It has helped me know myself better and it has helped me heal many things from my life; It has just basically turned my life around to have a better attitude and purpose in life. This is the best gift I have ever given to myself. I feel so great, happy and loving. I have learned a lot from this experience and I now feel I have the necessary tools to continue with my spiritual growth. I feel so grateful to have met Yamini and to have her in my life; She is definitely an angel sent to me. Thank you Yamini.” MM - Houston
“Mentoring with Yamini has helped me understand my emotions and beliefs. It has helped me understand what is the root of several of my actions and events in my life. She has helped me understand what causes my limitations and the tools she has provided me, I can utilize them to move myself to help me when I need help. I have been able to consciously change my responses and choices – thus breaking the cycle of old limiting patterns and feeling Empowered to create lasting change in my life.” SO (PhD), Florida

Extra Support

I am available to my clients via email throughout the duration of the program.  As questions come up between sessions, or for a quick response or suggestion, I am available between sessions to answer your questions or concerns.  This ongoing support is crucial to staying on course and reaching your desired outcomes.

Needless to say, this is a serious commitment.

By stepping into this sacred container for growth, you are, in essence, saying that you want to be in a very different place in your life, you want to be a co-creator of your destiny, you want to live your path and purpose, and that you are ready to claim more joy, love, spiritual power, vision, abundance and true success in your life.  Know that this inner alignment creates a more creative and expanded way of experiencing life and discovering the amazing infinite being that you truly are!

Once a client registers for the program:

  • The client receives a questionnaire for initial evaluation.  The client answers simple questions and defines one or two specific goals that he or she would like to focus on.
  • A Personal Transformation program is then customized to a client’s individual needs and personal goals.  Based on these goals, each session is designed to support the client at many levels – mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
  • Many powerful spiritual processes are used for spiritual alignment and to bring highest outcome in the easiest way.
  • Between sessions, a client will be assigned practice work based on what is needed to create and sustain a strong energetic foundation for manifesting chosen goals.  These practices help create a strong energetic foundation for clients building spiritual strength, confidence, and inner balance.
  • I work with the client to prioritize and focus on core alignment with the goals, rather than focusing solely on clearing energy blocks and leaks.
  • Spiritual processes used during the program assist the client in receiving clear guidance about the next step on the path and becoming empowered to take inspired actions.
“Working with Yamini has influenced such magnificent changes in my life, and helped me to overcome tremendous obstacles. I have learned to embrace adversity and to understand the whole picture of why something may be happening to me. I have learned not to run from it, or stuff it inward or to hate that it is happening. Yamini has taught me that we can learn our lessons with love, joy, and happiness. I have learned to create new and positive inner programs, while stopping old and negative programs, but with no judgment attached to it. Tools and Processes she uses bring about change through knowledge and deeper understanding of why we are here and where we are going. Yamini is my beloved teacher and spiritual friend and has always taught me with love, compassion and understanding.” JC - California

To schedule your free 15-min consultation, please get in touch with Yamini.